Saturday, February 23, 2013

The art of workshops

I attended a 3-day workshop this past week offered by the Delaware Economic Development Office... free workshop, free breakfast and lunch and LOADS of good information, hilarious quotes. I met a great group of business people and my brain is is overdrive.
The access we have in this state to officials is wonderful and I am grateful for it. Funny to say this considering the size, but Delaware is like Nevada... good access to your state officials. DE is small and NV is big, so when I say this folks say how can this be? It's population size, NV is a big state but small population. DE is small state, small population - both lead to the good access. It really makes a difference.
Here's my graduation photo... proves I did it! ... we not only learned a lot but we had a grand amount of fun ... a big THANK YOU to DEDO.

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