Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Art of Stepping Away

I took a whole month off - I had reached a stalemate of ideas/inspiration/hope/joy. I thought long and hard about why and realized The Vukuzakhe Project is exciting,challenging and I poured my heart in to it but it is also emotionally draining. I wiped myself out trying to do 6 of these big pieces at once. I decided if I was to continue doing them well I need to step away for a while. I left #5 & 6 sitting on their easels and haven't touched them for a few weeks.
The first couple of weeks I did no painting at all. Then I started doing fun stuff. Picked up my charcoals for the first time in, well, years. I love doing figurative work in charcoals. Then I slapped some bright paint around to create some cheerful sunflowers. I'll continue doing this until the time comes to look at the easels waiting patiently.
When will I start on Vukuzakhe again? I have no idea -  it will tell me when the time is right.
So - I'm back! here's a cheerful sunflower to celebrate the glory of summer - see y'all soon!
Copyright © 2012 Anne Jenkins, Milford, Delaware USA  website:

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